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+44 1224 618460 Synergen Oil & Gas UK Limited
+673 233 9270 SynergenOG (B) Sdn. Bhd.
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oil and gas news
Across the world, economies are waking up from forced slumber, induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has caused many to be sluggish in their response whether it’s in the factory, plants, or oil platforms and rigs; leading to several disasters in 2020. This has exposed many of the public and organisations to the significance of...
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The importance of technology in the oil and gas industry continues to evolve with the successful completion of BP’s “driver-less car”. The supermajor’s trial was conducted in Lingen, Germany. The driverless vehicle implemented software developed by a UK based company, Oxbotica – founded by two researchers from the University of Oxford in 2014. BP’s trial...
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In 2020, we discussed how technology is revolutionising the energy sector. Automation, Data Science & Big Data, and BlockChain in cybersecurity played a major role for global industry players. SynergenOG is no stranger to tech. In fact, we have worked in an Interactive Fire Escape Route in 3D Animation for oil rigs. Read more about it here...
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An oil platform with a bright sunset in the background.
Development of Safety Cases Ensure a Reliable Hazard Management Process Safety cases have been an integral part of the oil and gas industry for years, following the Piper Alpha disaster in 1988. Oil & gas operators termed as ‘Dutyholders’ use safety cases to establish to a Regulator that there are effective means for ensuring safe...
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Platform worker on an offshore rig
Established in 2012 by co-founders Dr. Keith Bell and Puvan Balasubramaniam, SynergenOG is the go-to engineering consultancy for impartial and honest advice on oil and gas HSE issues. The company bridges the divide between design, engineering and operations, with technical understanding and analytical power.  Our team of professionals combine decades of experience in both onshore...
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Oil and Gas
Offshore platforms, chemical plants or any other major engineering project creates multiple benefits from generating wealth and providing employment to producing useful products or services.  However, most industrial installations built, and the construction of these installations have the potential to also cause harm. Norway’s Equinor suspended production at the Peregrino heavy oil field in Brazil’s...
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The swift movement to digital technologies driven by the pandemic is anticipated to continue well into and beyond the COVID-19 recovery period. Organisations across industries globally are enhancing digital capabilities to keep the pace. In a recent Global Consumer Insights Survey published by PwC leaning heavily on coronavirus-related data, research conducted with respondents pre-outbreak and...
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In the beginning of 2017, China and Brunei joined forces in a joint petrochemical venture, resulting in the Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd. The project is located on a small island close to the Bruneian capital of Bandar Seri Begawan, Pulau Muara Besar (PMB). Under China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the 3.5 billion US dollar...
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In Singapore’s marine and offshore dormitories, foreign workers who were initially exempted from the government-imposed lockdown are now being confined to their living quarters. The great number of those in the foreign workforce creates a gap in the project activity for the shipping and marine facilities. Across the country, contractors in the related industry sought...
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Only recently, a small fire occurred that left the unfortunate individual with first and second degree burns. This led to the issuance of a safety alert by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers since the unpredictable fire occurred as a result of an individual getting burnt from using hand sanitiser. The alcohol-based hand...
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