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Why is chemical process safety important?

To prevent catastrophic events/ major accident hazards, serious injuries and illnesses, property damage, lost production, and negative environmental impact and help reduce the occurrence of a major accident.
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Safety management is important to prevent accidents, injuries and ensure a safe business operation through applying suitable principles, frameworks and processes.
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Process safety is important to prevent catastrophic events/ major accident hazards, serious injuries and illnesses, property damage, lost production, and negative environmental impact.and help reduce the occurence of a major accident.
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Personal safety (mainly related to occupational safety) involves lower risk hazards, that are likely to occur at work on a more regular basis (e.g. slips, trips, etc). Process Safety involves higher risk hazards that could lead to major accidents such as fire, explosion, and release of hazardous materials.
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Personal safety is the level of protection provided for individuals in a specific plant/ location.
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Layer of Protection (LOPA) is a simplified form of risk assessment which typically uses order of magnitude categories for initiating event frequency, consequence severity, and the likelihood of failure of independent protection layers (IPLs) to approximate the risk of a scenario.
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Process safety is about managing the integrity of operating systems by applying inherently safer design principles, engineering and disciplined operating practices.
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The product of the Hazard likelihood of occurrence and its associated magnitude of the severity.
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The objective of process safety management is to ensure that potential hazards are identified and mitigation measures are in place to prevent unwanted releases of energy or hazardous chemicals into locations that could expose workers to serious injuries or fatalities.
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“Process safety deals with large scale and catastrophic workplace risks with major consequences, including fatalities, injuries, property damage, lost production or environmental damage. It looks into the events that have potential to release hazardous materials and energy. Process safety is important to prevent catastrophic events and help reduce the occurence of a major accident.”
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