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How do you stop an acoustic-induced vibration?

AIV cannot be stopped but it can be mitigated by the following recommendations: Using a higher pipe schedule or lowering the D/t ratio. Decreasing the flow velocity by increasing pipe diameter. By using noise trim which can be reduced by 15dB.
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Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV) refers to structural vibration in a piping system with vapour flow excited by intense acoustic pressure.
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FMEDA, which stands for Failure Modes Effects and Diagnostic Analysis, is the methodology undertaken for the determination of failure causes and their impact on the systems which are applied in the early phases of system development very efficiently to help in the detection of weak points or flaws present in the system.
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For info only – HARA is hazard analysis and risk assessment that is traditionally performed by the safety team and does not consider the impact of security incidents. TARA is a threat analysis and risk assessment that’s performed to evaluate the risk associated with security incidents. TARA does not consider functional safety aspects.
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HAZOP can help to identify and solve the common operability issues such as maintenance, start-up, isolations, etc. as it provides a rigorous and systematic check of the design in terms of safety, operability and conformity to the standards.
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The residual risk rating is the amount of risk or danger associated with an action or event that remains after every effort has been made to eliminate such risks in a given situation through risk controls.
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Risk is assessed by identifying the hazard and its control measure in place and evaluating it against the occurrence likelihood and the severity of the risk as defined in the risk matrix.
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Identify the hazards Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Record findings and implement them Review risk assessment and update, if necessary
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The impact due to malfunction of a non-critical system is much lesser in comparison to malfunction of a critical system.
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Process Hazard Analysis is a systematic effort designed to identify and analyze hazards associated with the processing or handling of highly hazardous materials, in which the information obtained from the analysis helps the employers and workers in improving the safety of their systems.
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