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How do you do a SIMOPS risk assessment?

The SIMOPS risk assessment is conducted using the following steps: Identify the combined operations Execute Risk Assessment for each task separately Identify the additional hazards introduced by the SIMOPS Assessing the relevant level of risk Verify the adequacy of the planned control measure Identifying additional risk reduction measures.
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Matrix of Permitted Operations (MOPO) is used to maintain an acceptable level of risk for the operations. MOPO is a guide to define the limit of safe operations or activities that are permitted if control and/or mitigation measures are reduced and/or removed e.g. SCEs in terms of threat controls, recovery preparedness and escalation factors are...
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By conducting a SIMOPS Risk Assessment and producing a Matrix of Permitted Operations.
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Through SIMOPS study, we are able to identify possible interactions between activities that may adversely impact people, property or the environment.
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Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs) are multiple independent operations that occur on a location at the same time. Events of any one operation may impact the safety of personnel or equipment of another operation (i.e., construction, welding or working at heights).
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BowTie Methodology is a brainstorming method that utilises a diagram in ‘bowtie’ shape which visualises an overview of multiple plausible scenarios and hence, it provides a simple visualisation of risk.
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Identify the risk to be examined in the bow-tie analysis. Typically used for high risks events (i.e. the MAH of the facility) that are expected to have a high level of consequence. Identify the events that can cause the hazard (MAH) to occur. Identify and list down the causes and the consequences to the hazard...
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Barrier based risk management is about identifying the critical controls (barriers) and understanding the status and effectiveness of the barriers to managing the risk.
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BowTie is analysed by evaluating the relationship between potential threats, preventive/ control barriers in place and the ultimate consequences associated with each MAH and also by identifying potential escalation factors that could defeat or reduce the effectiveness/ reliability of a barrier, as well as control barriers in place to prevent or mitigate the effect of...
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The BowTie method is a visual way of understanding the impacts of a hazard, the risk it presents, the consequences and the controls that should be put in place. This allows us to easily conduct Risk Management. BowTie diagrams also identify potential escalation factors that could defeat or reduce the effectiveness/ reliability of a barrier,...
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