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+65 861 84 148 Synergen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd
+971 56 232 5400 SynergenOG
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+44 1224 618460 Synergen Oil & Gas UK Limited
+673 233 9270 SynergenOG (B) Sdn. Bhd.
+91 9995457949 Synergen Energy LLP

SynergenOG Takes Crucial Step in Global Expansion with a New Contract in Australia

In a strategic move epitomizing growth and commitment to safety excellence, we are thrilled to announce our latest venture – a significant contract to conduct comprehensive safety studies and workshops for a distinguished engineering entity in Australia. This exciting development not only represents a substantial leap in SynergenOG’s global expansion endeavors but also solidifies our position within the Australian market, fostering a new era of safety and risk management in the engineering sector.

The contract involves a series of exhaustive safety studies and workshops designed to elevate operational safety standards, further showcasing SynergenOG’s unmatched expertise in the field. By leveraging our wealth of knowledge and experience, this project aims to set new benchmarks for safety practices, underscoring our unwavering dedication to ensuring safer work environments across industries worldwide.

Overseen by our adept teams in Singapore and Malaysia, this venture is more than just a project; it is a testament to SynergenOG’s proactive approach in bridging safety solutions across continents. As we embark on this journey, we remain committed to delivering excellence and pioneering innovative safety solutions that resonate with our goal of crafting a safer, more sustainable future in engineering and beyond. This expansion is not just growth; it’s a stepping stone towards achieving global safety standards that benefit all.

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