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Aker BP to Plug North Sea wells

Aker BP has been given a consent by Norwegian PSA to use the Deepsea Nordkapp mobile drilling facility. This is to help to plug production wells of Jette Field. This will involve permanently plugging the two production wells on Jette field or North Sea based on the given consent. Work is scheduled to begin by […]

25,000 New Oil and Gas Workers Needed in Next 6 Years Says OPITO

For the next 6 years, OPITO, an energy skills body has set out a strategy to prepare for the shift in skills for requirements in the UK oil and gas industry. Under the OPITO’s Skills Landscape 2019-2025 Report of section of UKCS Workforce Dynamics research series, it has been observed that technology advancement, internationalisation and […]

North Sea pipeline may hit the gas market

A report on Monday mentioned that a key North Sea gas pipeline may be an auction for sale. Antin Infrastructure Partners was evaluating for selling the Central Area Transmission System (Cats) pipeline system according to The Sunday Telegraph. It was owned for nearly five years and it is held by Kellas Midstream business. It is […]

Allseas Sister Ships Reunited for North Sea Project

For the P11-B Unity project located in the North Sea, Allseas Lorelay and Calamity Jane are joining hands. A versatile vessel, Lorelay is optimised for executing small and medium diameter pipeline projects of any length in unlimited water depths. It can also handle associated work such as the installation of risers and subsea protection frames. […]

2019 Could be Best Year for Oil and Gas Discoveries Since 2014 Downturn

An energy intelligence group Rystad Energy, mentioned that if the pace of discoveries remains similar to the first quarter, it will exceed 2018’s discovered resources to as much as 30%. Global discoveries of conventional resources since the first quarter reached a robust 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), said Rystad since last week Monday. […]

ENI Announces Oil and Gas Discovery in North Sea

ENI, an Italian energy giant announced its oil and gas discovery in North Sea on Tuesday in production license 869 by its subsidiary Var Energi. According to the company’s press release, ENI holds 69.6% share of jointly owned Var Energi and 30.4% interest in HitecVision who have found this resource through a drilling exploration well […]

Shell Says It Can Be World’s Top Power Producer and Profit

Within 15 years, Royal Dutch Shell plans to become the world’s biggest power company. This move suggests it identifies climate change as a bigger threat to its business compared to electricity weak returns. According to Maarten Wetselaar, director of Shell’s integrated gas and new-energies unit, Shell spends as much as USD 2 billion a year […]

Major Accident Hazard Safety Studies for BW OffShore

Safety Studies for BW OffShore

SynergenOG is proud to be appointed to conduct updates of safety studies carried out during the first phase for BW Offshore. The main purpose of this project is to provide updates on the associated safety studies based on the design changes to the BWO Adolo FPSO. SOG will provide assistance to BW Offshore Singapore Pte. […]

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