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What is ISO 17776?

ISO 17776:2016 describes processes for managing major accident (MA) hazards during the design of offshore oil and gas production installations. It provides requirements and guidance on the development of strategies both to prevent the occurrence of MAs and to limit the possible consequences. It also contains some requirements and guidance on managing MA hazards in...
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The main goal of risk assessment is to provide protection to the four critical elements to a company, which include People, Environment, Asset, and Reputation (PEAR).
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Permit-to-work refers to management systems used to ensure that work is done safely and efficiently typically in a hazardous environment.
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ALARP principle is to reduce the potential risk of hazard as reasonably practicable so that the risk can be controlled.
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After the hazards identified in SIMOPS is completed, the Matrix of Permitted Operations (MOPO) is conducted to identify if any restrictions are to be imposed or if the simultaneous undertaking of the two activities is to be prohibited.
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A manual of permitted operations (MOPO) is a visually coded manual or matrix used to define whether a work activity can be conducted safely within a given condition. It was developed by Shell’s Technical Safety Engineering Team primarily for controlling the level of risk associated with SIMOPs.
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MOPO stands for Matrix of Permitted Operations. The study is done to map operational activities against foreseeable situations that would compromise safe operating limits. The matrix would identify and differentiate between permitted, permitted with caution and not permitted conditions to help operators make decisions in given scenarios.
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Simultaneous Operation (SIMOPS) of construction activities focuses on the construction phase of a project which does not include installation and production activities.
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Risk is assessed through three main steps: (1) Hazard identification (2) Risk analysis and evaluation (3) Risk control
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Reference tool to determine if activities can be performed simultaneously.
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