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Is flaring natural gas Illegal?

Legal requirements associated with flaring is depended on the respective country. Typically legislation requires operators to have consent in place for the flaring and venting of hydrocarbons during production operations. Flaring and venting and associated emissions should be at the lowest possible levels in the circumstances.
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Flaring can achieve up to 98% carbon efficiency during optimal operation, however, various climate conditions could drop the efficiency to as low as 50%.
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Release of toxic chemicals (Nox, Sox, heavy metals, aromatic hydrocarbons, soot) Release of greenhouse gas (CO2) Disruption to the ecosystem
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Flaring in oil and gas is commonly done to dispose of natural gas that cannot be processed for sale or use.
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Prevent waste gas production Recover and reuse waste gas Capturing and storing waste gas in oils and reservoirs
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High pressure (HP) flare is a flaring system for equipment with design pressure of >10 barg
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Ignition system to ensure waste gas is immediately ignited during release.
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Waste gas is mixed with steam or air as they are pumped through the header system. The mixed gas will then be ignited by the flare pilot as it travels up the flare stack.
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Ground flares Pit flares Elevated flares Air-assisted flares Steam-assisted flares Gas-assisted flares Boom flares Sonic flares High or low-pressure flares Low noise flares Low radiation flares
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Flaring is the combustion of natural gas at the end of the flare stack. Flame is visible. An incinerator is the mixing and combusting of gas and air in an enclosed chamber. Flame is not visible if operating properly.
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