Abu Dhabi - UAE
+603 2380 4560 SynergenOG Sdn Bhd
+65 861 84 148 Synergen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd
+971 56 232 5400 SynergenOG
+62 2150 897100 PT. SynergenOG Indonesia
+44 1224 618460 Synergen Oil & Gas UK Limited
+673 233 9270 SynergenOG (B) Sdn. Bhd.
+91 9995457949 Synergen Energy LLP


SynergenOG Updates
We are happy to announce that two of our team members have completed the AuditXP/IncidentXP Train the Trainer program conducted by CGE Risk. For AuditXP, we learnt the advantages of CGE Risk-based auditing, both from a risk-based and compliance-based perspective. We know how to create questions, surveys, and reports and master all AuditXP functionalities with...
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SynergenOG has successfully completed our first industrial talk in Indonesia for Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) on the 19th of June. It was conducted online via Microsoft Teams at 9AM Jakarta time, as a courtesy to the students. We collaborated with Resti, an alumna of UPN, who arranged the presentation for the SynergenOG team. The Department...
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It’s our pleasure to announce that SynergenOG has been selected from a list of prequalified contractors for TotalEnergies globally. While the category is within small-scale studies, we look forward to complementing our work with them thus far and working on many more projects with TOTAL worldwide.  It is our honour to be selected as part...
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Revolutionising the Workplace SynergenOG Action Tracking Management System (ActSYN™) The Holocene age we are living through entails a rapid rise in technology. Because of this, global organisations in diverse fields such as energy, manufacturing, finance, telecoms, pharmaceuticals, construction, agriculture, and transportation have a strong need to caption actions and ensure accountability from major events such...
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The past week was an eventful one for SynergenOG. We recently carried out a 2-day workshop for an Oil & Gas company, based in Kazakhstan. The training is an introductory course to Bowtie and BowTieXP Software for Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO) BV, an Oil & Gas company working on the Karachaganak Field Development. A bowtie...
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Another day, another achievement unlocked!  SynergenOG is proud to announce that we are certified training providers! This significant milestone was recently achieved by the team at the Brunei office. Following the official authorisation by the Safety, Health and Environmental National Authority (SHENA) as an Approved Training Provider (ATP), we will be offering a range of...
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Four nuggets of wisdom to bring into the new year
Reading McNulty’s article had me pondering on my ‘blind spots’. Just like driving in a car, it’s imperative to have side mirrors to keep a close eye on areas you may not have noticed before. It helps keep you on your toes – or alert you of the impending dangers.  Consider new perspectives that go...
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Four Traits of a Resilient Team
Resilience is a powerful word. It is a common pretext in the military and sports sectors. In business, especially during the current pandemic, resilience has emerged as the forefront of any company and its employees to endure the profound changes in our daily lives.  Since the pandemic began, businesses have shifted to a different outlook...
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Synergy is defined as the “The interaction or cooperation of two or more organisations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” To put it in simple words, it is unity in diversity. Diversity is one of the many benefits that synergy brings in. It is...
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Header image for Workshop Facilitation and Training
As an engineer, ongoing efforts at professional development is a necessity in order to effectively serve the needs of clients. As professionals who invent, design, build and test machinery as well as analyse complex systems and structures to fulfil functional objectives, upskilling ensures engineers are up to date on current industry practices and technological advances. ...
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