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What are the types of HAZOP?

HAZOP for Continuous Operations HAZOP for Batch Operations Procedural HAZOP (i.e. Start-Up) Control HAZOP (CHAZOP) Electrical HAZOP (EHAZOP)/ Electrical Systems Safe Operability Review (SAFOP)
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Identified nodes through: 1) Design Intent 2) Significant change of process conditions 3) Equipment/System
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HAZOP can be done at any stage of a project as long as sufficient information is available such as piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID). HAZOP can be revisited when there’s a design change impacting the P&IDs.
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The bow tie risk assessment is a diagram method that can be used to analyse and demonstrate causal relationships in high-risk scenarios. The diagram is shaped like a bow-tie, creating a clear differentiation between proactive and reactive risk management.
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HAZID is an evaluation approach to identify if any particular situation/condition, item, etc, may have the potential to cause accidents.
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Ergonomic Hazards, Electrical hazards, slip-trip-fall, fire hazards etc.
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Standard Guidance for HAZOP studies can be found in IEC 61882. Some organisations may have their own specific standard.
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To identify design or operational faults etc. leading to safety or operability problems.
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Typically, the scope of the HAZOP is discussed in the document known as the Terms of Reference. This document will be passed to the attendees, along with marked-up P&IDs which indicates how the process is split up into nodes.
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