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How many escape routes must a workplace have?

Escape route(s) must be accessible at all times.
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A safe route (horizontal and vertical) for people to travel from any location in the building or structure to a safe place, without the need for outside assistance.
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Brainstorm a list of emergency scenarios where evacuation is necessary and visualise the evacuation process from noticing the emergency event, taking action and evacuation time, taking into consideration of the elderly and disabled people.
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A map of the space showing all doors and windows, and the escape routes leading to the safe space for all occupants to gather.
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Brainstorm a list of emergency scenarios where evacuation is necessary and visualise the evacuation process from noticing the emergency event, taking action and evacuation time, taking into consideration of the elderly and disabled people.
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A safe route (horizontal and vertical) for people to travel from any location in the building or structure to a safe place, without the need for outside assistance.
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Fire demand is given by the formula, Q = 100 X sqrt(p) where: P = population in thousands Q = water demand in kiloliters.
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Average daily demand (q) = Px where: P= Population, x = water in lpcd 1. Maximum Daily Demand (MDD) = Q = 1.8q 2. Maximum Hourly Demand ( MHD) = Q = 1.5MDD = 2.7q
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The water required for unexpected fire accidents and undesirable situations with fire is already designed during the water demand planning system. The demand is calculated based on empirical formulas. For all the formulas given below, Q is the discharge calculated in litres per minute and P is the population measured in thousands. 1. Kuichling’s Formula...
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