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How do you make a flare?

Waste gas is mixed with steam or air as they are pumped through the header system. The mixed gas will then be ignited by the flare pilot as it travels up the flare stack.
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Flame Front Generators are a traditional method of lighting flare pilots. It mixes air and fuel gas into an ignition chamber. A spark plug ignites the mixture. The ‘flame front’ travels through a 1′ pipe to the flare pilot.
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Steam is used at the flare to aspirate air into the combustion zone, shape the flame of the flare, cool the tip of the flare and reduce noise.
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A process to safely burn excess hydrocarbon gas that was vented from the industrial operation.
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Liquid injection incinerators are used to dispose of aqueous and nonaqueous wastes that can be atomized through a burner nozzle.
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It’s similar to the incinerator, except the combustor is completely enclosed except for the combustion air intake and exhaust discharge.
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A process to safely burn excess hydrocarbon gas that was vented from the industrial operation.
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Different compositions of gas will change the colour of flares.
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Legal requirements associated with flaring is depended on the respective country. Typically legislation requires operators to have consent in place for the flaring and venting of hydrocarbons during production operations. Flaring and venting and associated emissions should be at the lowest possible levels in the circumstances.
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