Abu Dhabi - UAE
+603 2380 4560 SynergenOG Sdn Bhd
+65 861 84 148 Synergen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd
+971 56 232 5400 SynergenOG
+62 2150 897100 PT. SynergenOG Indonesia
+44 1224 618460 Synergen Oil & Gas UK Limited
+673 233 9270 SynergenOG (B) Sdn. Bhd.
+91 9995457949 Synergen Energy LLP

Supporting Services

Reliability equipment services

SynergenOG typically performs this study based on international codes and standards, where reliability of a system is represented in terms of Reliability Block Diagramme. 

Human Factor Services

Human Factor Engineering (HFE) is the process of implementing human capabilities in the design of products, workplaces or work systems (plant/facility) resulting in the effective, efficient, safe and healthy functioning of people, thereby improving operational and maintenance tasks.

Fire And Explosion Analysis

One of the primary hazards on any hydrocarbon-centric facility is an ignited release of flammable hydrocarbons following an inadvertent loss of containment or non-routine activity.  In the presence of sufficient levels of confinement and congestion, such ignited events would lead to explosions capable of causing multiple fatalities, substantial degree of asset damage and unavailability of critical safety systems.

environmental expertise

All foreseeable hazards with potential environmental implications has grown more stringent over the years.  This has necessitated for environmental risk reviews to be carried out to ensure the operations of any facility is within environmental acceptance criteria or targets. 

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