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What are the consequences of unignited gas releases?

Consequences of an unignited gas release is asphyxiation and exposure to toxic gas (if the released gas is toxic) resulting in potential onsite and offsite fatalities.
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Consequences of gas explosions include shockwaves, shrapnel, fires posing an immediate danger to life and property.
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Consequences of oil fires include potential fatalities due to thermal radiation, asphyxiation or smoke inhalation, environmental pollution, and the risk of the fire spreading to surrounding areas.
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Consequences of gas fires include potential fatalities due to thermal radiation and equipment or structural damage.
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Fire and explosion in the oil and gas refers to the ignition of flammable gases or liquids, leading to rapid combustion or violent expansion that can cause significant damage and injuries.
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One of the biggest risks in the oil and gas industry is fires, explosions or toxic gas releases from the handling and processing of hydrocarbon fluids.  The risks are fatalities, asset loss, environmental damage, and financial and reputation losses.
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Hazardous gases in the oil and gas industry include hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methane (CH4), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and carbon monoxide (CO).
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Process incidents, also known as process safety incidents (PSIs), refer to accidental events or failures that occur within an industrial process, leading to potential hazards, injuries, or damage to equipment and the environment.
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Process safety incidents are generally caused by equipment failures, human errors, and inadequate safety procedures.
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The purpose of process safety is to prevent incidents, injuries, and property damage by implementing measures to identify, assess, and control risks associated with hazardous processes and materials in industries such as chemical and petrochemical.
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