Abu Dhabi - UAE
+603 2380 4560 SynergenOG Sdn Bhd
+65 861 84 148 Synergen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd
+971 56 232 5400 SynergenOG
+62 2150 897100 PT. SynergenOG Indonesia
+44 1224 618460 Synergen Oil & Gas UK Limited
+673 233 9270 SynergenOG (B) Sdn. Bhd.
+91 9995457949 Synergen Energy LLP

Collaboration with Vestigo Petroleum in Malaysia

We are happy to collaborate with our partners on Tembikai Non-Associated Gas (TNAG) development.  We will be working on multiple projects with them which will encompass areas such as Hazard Identification (HAZID), Fishing Interaction & Dropped Object Assessment, and Quantitative risk assessment (QRA).

The SynergenOG team is experienced in providing assistance in various areas of process safety and technical risk. Regular training are conducted in various arenas such as Hazard Identification (HAZID), Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Workshops, SCE and Performance Standards, Acoustic Induced Vibration, Flow Induced Vibration, Noise Study, CFD Modelling, Quantitative Risk Assessment, Bow Tie, SIMPOS Workshop, ALARP Studies and Design Safety Case.

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