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process safety management
sog academy empowering learners

From Consultancy to Academy: SOG Academy Journey of Empowering Learners (in the last 2 years)

We started as a Process and Operation Safety Management (PSM) consultancy provider : ( Over the years, we had opportunities to work closely with many companies globally. Our idea to establish an Academy for Learning was formed from our engagement and interaction with many stakeholders. In the last 2 years, post-COVID, we started a small...
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Implementing Risk Based Process Safety Management

Implementing a Risk-based Process Safety Management System – Benefits and Challenges

Picture this: a company that ignores safety regulations. What might start as a minor oversight could quickly spiral into a catastrophic disaster, impacting everyone and everything involved? Are you curious to know what kind of chaos could ensue? That’s why a risk-based process safety management system is critical for any organisation dealing with hazardous chemicals...
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process safety audit

How to Conduct a Successful Process Safety Audit and What to Look for

To ensure a secure and dependable manner for hazardous processes and operations in an organisation, the organisation must prioritise process safety. Conducting a process safety audit is a fundamental aspect of process safety management. It helps identify potential hazards and risks associated with the processes and evaluates the effectiveness of the safety management system in...
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Personal development birth of sog academy

Learning Personal Development – Birth of SOG Academy

Learning is never a waste of time. Indeed, it is the most important thing you can do in your life. As we age, we must adapt our skills, knowledge and behaviour to a rapidly changing world. Learning is a lifelong process that enables us to improve ourselves through formal and informal learning experiences continuously. If...
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process safety hazards importance

Importance of Addressing Hazards in Process Safety

Have you ever wondered what causes industrial accidents and what can be done to prevent them? Process safety hazards are a critical aspect of industrial operations, as it involves the management of hazards that can lead to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. To minimise risks, it is crucial to understand the various forms of hazards....
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process safety culture

Process Safety Culture: How Do You Evaluate?

Process safety culture refers to the values, attitudes, and behaviours of individuals within an organisation that contributes to the overall safety of processes, products, and services. It is the foundation of a safe and successful workplace and is essential for preventing accidents and incidents. Here, we will explore the concept of process safety culture, how...
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