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+673 233 9270 SynergenOG (B) Sdn. Bhd.
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process safety management

Freedom at the Workplace – How Much is too Much?

The challenge for businesses is finding a balance in the hybrid working world. If you’re looking for the answer to the question above, you might find that answers were in favour of more work freedom prior to COVID-19. But in recent articles, leaders and organisations seem to have conflicting opinions. Throughout the pandemic, while most...
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Humour in the Office – An Effective Leadership Tool

What does humour have to do with leadership?  I came across this timely article by Stanford co-authors Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas – How to be funny at work. Reference to this article made me laugh and reflect on my own humour style. Taking this into consideration, I once shared a joke with a colleague...
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Four nuggets of wisdom to bring into the new year

Four Nuggets of Wisdom to Bring into 2021

Reading McNulty’s article had me pondering on my ‘blind spots’. Just like driving in a car, it’s imperative to have side mirrors to keep a close eye on areas you may not have noticed before. It helps keep you on your toes – or alert you of the impending dangers.  Consider new perspectives that go...
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Four Traits of a Resilient Team

Four Traits of a Resilient Team

Resilience is a powerful word. It is a common pretext in the military and sports sectors. In business, especially during the current pandemic, resilience has emerged as the forefront of any company and its employees to endure the profound changes in our daily lives.  Since the pandemic began, businesses have shifted to a different outlook...
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Revolutionising Oil & Gas: The Future of Energy in 2021

In 2020, we discussed how technology is revolutionising the energy sector. Automation, Data Science & Big Data, and BlockChain in cybersecurity played a major role for global industry players. SynergenOG is no stranger to tech. In fact, we have worked in an Interactive Fire Escape Route in 3D Animation for oil rigs. Read more about it here...
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Image illustrates a team working together to depict productivity in collaboration

What Productive People Do Differently 

Reading the article ‘What Super Productive People Do Differently’ by Amantha Imber in the Harvard Business Review, had me thinking of my own productivity, as well as that of my peers and colleagues.  I consider myself to be a relatively productive person, able to manage my time and tasks well, with avenues to perform other...
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