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process safety management

7 Strategies for Better Group Decision Making

In reading the Harvard Business Review article published recently discussing 7 Strategies for Better Group Decision-Making by Torben Emmerling and Duncan Rooders, I was reminded of a Problem Solving and Decision-Making module in the course of my MBA (Master of Business Administration) studies. It was a popular module that I believe has given way to...
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7 Strategies for Leading a Crisis-Driven Reorg

Harvard Business Review’s (HBR) article on ‘7 Strategies for Leading a Crisis Driven Re-org’ published recently made me reflect on the Why, What and How questions of our approach to this topic at SynergenOG. I am sure every one of us – from the C-suite executive to the front-line support staff, is experiencing some form...
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Perception and Attitudes on Innovation

The McKinsey article on the Eight Essentials of Innovation, brought to mind a couple of areas for improvement for SynergenOG, serving as a useful checklist. Noting the importance of all elements, I do think there are limitations in the implementation and execution, based on our organisation size and structure.  I believe a family-based or small...
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4 Key Elements When Reflecting on Good Leadership

Each individual is privy to their own operating model that helps them function at full capacity and high efficiency. But for those who are still looking for a guide on creating a successful operating model, seeking the answer within these four key elements could be beneficial. What are your priorities?  This is a crucial element...
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Managers: Balancing Analytical & Emotional Intelligence

By Kadam Balan Managers and C-suite executives have to steer their business and essentially, people, toward a new world that is full of new challenges and uncertainties. This can be both exciting and worrisome for many. As we push forward towards a new normal we have to be reminded of the importance of balancing an...
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events that impact global oil prices

Top 6 Events That Impacted Global Oil Prices

During the mid 19th century, the discovery of new technology (using pipelines) that allowed kerosene to be commercially viable led to the beginning of an oil rush. But it was the period after the second World War that oil was recognised as a global commodity [1]. Since then, black gold has had a long and...
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